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高野寛 / Hiroshi Takano  

1964年生まれ。大学生の頃から当時は珍しかった宅録による創作を開始。1988年、高橋幸宏プロデュースによるアルバム「hullo hulloa」でソロデビュー。ほとんどの楽曲の作詞・作曲・編曲・ギター・プログラミングを自ら手掛けるスタイルで、2024年までにベスト盤を含む23枚のソロアルバムを発表。


ソロ作品の他、世代やジャンルを超えたアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数制作。宮沢和史らと結成したGANGA ZUMBA、高橋幸宏・原田知世ら​と結成したpupa(ピューパ)、BIKKE・斉藤哲也と結成したNathalie Wise(ナタリーワイズ)などのバンドでも活動。

ギタリストとしてもYMO、高橋幸宏、細野晴臣、TEI TOWA、星野源を初めとした数多くのアーティストのライブや録音に参加し、坂本龍一や宮沢和史のツアーメンバーとして延べ20カ国での演奏経験を持つ。サウンドプロデューサーとしては小泉今日子、THE BOOM、森山直太朗、GRAPEVINE、のん などの作品を手がけている。


2024年春・デビュー35周年を期に、ミニマルやアンビエントなどポップスの外側にある音楽を中心としたソロユニット「HAAS a.k.a. Hiroshi Takano」も始動。35周年記念書き下ろしエッセイ「続く、イエローマジック」を2024年11月11日に、35周年記念アルバム「Modern Vintage Future」を2024年11月27日にリリース。



Born in 1964. He started composing at home while he was a university student, which was rare at the time. In 1988, he made his solo debut with the album "hullo hulloa" produced by Yukihiro Takahashi. He writes the lyrics, composes, arranges, plays guitar, and programs most of his songs himself, and by 2024, he had released 23 solo albums, including a best-of album.


In addition to his solo works, he has also produced many collaborations with artists across generations and genres. He is also active in bands such as GANGA ZUMBA, which he formed with Kazufumi Miyazawa, pupa, which he formed with Yukihiro Takahashi and Tomoyo Harada, and Nathalie Wise, which he formed with BIKKE and Tetsuya Saito.


As a guitarist, he has participated in live performances and recordings with many artists, including YMO, Yukihiro Takahashi, Haruomi Hosono, TEI TOWA, and Gen Hoshino, and has performed in a total of 20 countries as a tour member of Ryuichi Sakamoto and Kazufumi Miyazawa. As a sound producer.


In spring 2024, to mark the 35th anniversary of his debut, he will launch his solo unit "HAAS a.k.a. Hiroshi Takano," focusing on music outside of pop, such as minimal and ambient. He will release a special essay for his 35th anniversary, "Continuing, Yellow Magic," on November 11, 2024, and his 35th anniversary album, "Modern Vintage Future," on November 27, 2024.

高野寛 Official site [HAAS] Since 1998.

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